po_Bishop-MorrisMorris Gilbert Bishop (April 15, 1893 – November 20, 1973) was an American scholar, historian, biographer, author, and humorist.

In honor of the birthday of one of world’s most famous equations, “E = MC2,”




E = MC2
Morris Bishop

What was our trust, we trust not,

What was our faith, we doubt;

Whether we must or not

We may debate about.

The soul, perhaps, is a gust of gas

And wrong is a form of right-

But we know that Energy equals Mass

By the Square of the Speed of Light.

What we have known, we know not,

What we have proved, abjure.

Life is a tangled bowknot,

But one thing still is sure.

Come, little lad; come, little lass,

Your docile creed recite:

“We know that Energy equals Mass

By the Square of the Speed of Light.”